The Story Mastermind Team

A laser-focused group of editorial and publishing professionals led by decade-plus publishing industry veteran, Mary Kole. Each Story Mastermind cohort will include Mary and one other editor as faculty.

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Mary Kole

Former literary agent Mary Kole provides consulting and developmental editing services to writers of all categories and genres, working on children’s book projects from picture book to young adult, and all kinds of trade market literature, including fantasy, sci-fi, romance and memoir.

She holds an MFA in Creative Writing and has worked at Chronicle Books, the Andrea Brown Literary Agency, and Movable Type Management. She has been blogging at Kidlit since 2009. Her book, Writing Irresistible Kidlit, a writing reference guide for middle grade and young adult writers, is available from Writer's Digest Books.

Kristen Overman

Kristen Overman edits a wide range of projects. She particularly loves all genres of middle grade and YA novels, picture books, contemporary and historical adult fiction, and memoirs. She has a Bachelor’s degree in English and Political Science. Post-grad she took advanced memoir and writing the novel classes at Harvard, completed a copyediting certification program, and is a member of SCBWI. She edited and copyedited various projects, including nonfiction, before joining Mary Kole in 2018.

When not daydreaming about driving a Jeep near the ocean, radio on and windows down, Kristen can be found writing, reading, or searching for the ultimate hot fudge sundae. You can also reach her on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

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Amy Wilson

Amy Wilson is a Minnesotan who’s finally found the sun in Colorado. She reads everything and writes historical fantasy. Her YA work is represented by Amy Jameson of A+B Works. Amy relishes a good story in any genre, but she especially loves to edit anything historical or speculative. Thrillers and mysteries are favorites, too. And everything is improved by a large dash of romance!